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This is Britt. We met randomly. Then became besties organically.

All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend... 👯‍♀️

LADIES! You know when you meet the coolest chick (esp. waiting in line for the girl’s bathroom) and think “omg, we should be best friends!” But then never see them again? It’s the worst.

Suffice to say I am very thankful I actually exchanged numbers with the gem pictured above. Who woulda guessed we’d actually become besties ~6 months later (ok before that, but that’s when we met). We put so much time and energy into finding and developing relationships with men (whadup Hinge matches), but so rarely open the door to new, amazing women. Sure, you’ll always treasure your life long besties, your college baes, etc. but what about the women meant to enter your life at this exact moment? Look for and surround yourself with women who not only build you up but also keep you grounded. expand your inner circle. Reach out to those badass bitches you met out once but know you want to hang with again.

Chances are they’re on the same page.

Yep, even more than we felt in 2018.

Does this pic make you uncomfortable? ME EITHER! And that's a really big deal for me ya'll. I HATE studio portraits. Until I met the right photographer.

Don't Step, JUMP Out of Your Comfort-Zone

2019 — the year to take risks. the year to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. the year to turn dreams into reality. the year to live your truth. As I write this, my mind is uncharacteristically quiet. calm even. words that typically flow through my thumbs are nowhere to be found. my mind is stuck in neutral — much like my career and drive the past few months. it’s weird. it’s uncomfortable. it’s the exact opposite of how I lived my life until now. a life meticulously mapped out by 6 year old me. the plan was to make the world a better place and for the world to know my name. i planned to become a news reporter [TV host], a singer (😂?!) and a CEO all before my 30th bday. i turn 28 next week. so basically i’m right on track... right?! fast forward and two goals remain — 1) make a positive impact in the world. 2) create badass, unbiased content that provokes real conversations and sparks positive change. [hi @VICE! 🙋🏼‍♀️]. so, how does one (finally) turn their dream into reality? with a new headshot, duh. kidding. but really, it’s a start. navigating my way through this industry has been a slow, often directionless journey… i’m itching to dive back into work (let’s face it, FUNemployment is only “fun” for so long)… but where to start? or better yet, WHEN? not during the holidays, that’s for sure. i impatiently waited for a sign. something, anything to guide and motivate me. today it came — a Dropbox link to my final TV host headshots. (TY @rjlewisphotos!!! 🙌). Believe it or not, I dread photoshoots. they’re awkward. i’m awkward. it’s awkward. to my surprise, this shoot was different. i felt invincible. i tuned out the ridiculous advice from “America’s Next Top Model” and did me. when I looked through the final shots today it hit me, “i’m doing this. i’m really going for it.” Not gunna lie, it’s uncomfortable af living without job security. but i’ve made peace with the decision let go of the traditional career track in order to pursue my dream. success is never guaranteed, but if you want something bad enough, isn’t it worth the risk?.

Take risks this year. there’s no telling where they‘ll take you in return.✨

**Makes New Years Resolutions**

New year, new blog post! Okay, well my first blog. And it's February 5th. But hey, I had 365 days to accomplish my resolution to start this bad boy, so give me a little credit (talking to myself). My other 2019 resolutions? Become a punctual person, respond to text messages in a timely manner and expand my diet beyond Easy Mac and Lunchables. Oh, and get a new job.

But some things never change. Because some things shouldn’t. For example, not everyone has to like you / everything about you. Remember that. If you’re making a resolution to change something about yourself, make sure it’s positive and make sure it’s for YOU.

Today I'm checking off "start a blog". (As I eat my pepperoni pizza Lunchable)

One resolution at a time. ;)

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